Writing: A word about my method.

Posted in Romance on May 20th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Different writers have different methods for crafting their stories. Some writers stop and edit their work as they go; never moving forward until the previous scene is perfected.

That’s not really my style.

When I write, I begin by pounding out a rough draft first.  I only go back and change a scene at this point if something just sticks out in my head as being wrong. And by sticking out, I mean I get this nagging in the back of my mind that just won’t go away. A feeling that the story flow is off–and when I get this feeling, I do edit.  Usually, I’ll create two versions of a scene at that point and I’ll choose the one that fits the best.

After I complete my initial rough draft, I take a few days rest from my story to give me a chance to get some distance from the work.  When I’m too close to a story, it’s hard for me to see the errors. When break time is over, it’s time to begin my first read-through.

When I begin a read-through, I always start by having an old-fashioned journal at my side.  As I read through the story, I make notations of any phrasings I don’t like, any plot points that seem shady, and any character inconsistencies.  I edit as I go on the read-through, but these notations are for me to double-check once the full review is complete.  Usually, I aim to complete a review of at least 50 pages a day.

Time permitting, once this first read-through is finished, I like to do once more full review, just as a precaution.

Some writers use critique groups or beta readers to review their material.  I’ve never used either of those methods, but others swear by them. Different strokes for different folks.

If you’re a writer, what’s the method you use for your story and editing?  I’m always curious about what works or what doesn’t work for other people!

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Continuing with the Weekend Update…

Posted in Romance on May 19th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

On Sunday, I traveled to New Orleans for a long overdue family day of fun at the zoo and the aquarium. My son was particularly looking forward to seeing the elephants–and, as fate would have it, they are pretty much the first animals you get to see after you walk into the zoo.  Two very large elephants (are there any other kind?) were chilling in the mid-morning light, just kind of swaying back and forth. Then, they must have sensed that I was there (they had their backs to me and all I could see was um, elephant butt) because they became giddy with excitement–one urinated and one pooped–right in front of me.  My string of good luck was obviously continuing.

A bit later, I tried to move in for a close-up view of a rhinoceros.  He was lounging in the sun, trying to hide from me. I crept forward, inching ever closer–until my dad stopped me.  You see, what I hadn’t realized–a snake was on the ground right in front of me. About two feet away.  Not INSIDE the animal’s secured area. Right. In. Front. Of. Me.  (And my two year old son.)

So not cool.

Now, my dad has much more experienced snake eyes than I do, and he said the snake looked like a water moccasin.  I wasn’t gonna do a close-up survey.  I got my son and we got out of there–fast. My dad lingered a bit to warn others with kids to stay away until the zoo folks arrived and took charge.

I hate snakes. Have I mentioned that?  And the kicker for me–less than a week before, a snake was in my front yard. Slithering his way up my drive like he was a welcome guest. So not.  And now this…What? Do the snakes think I’m their leader?  I’m not–they need to stay away from me!

I did have a fun time at the zoo. Come on–it’s the zoo!  Jack loved pointing at all of the animals and we even had an ice cream break for lunch.

After that, time for a trip to Canal Street and a visit to the wonderfully air-conditioned aquarium.  I love to go to the aquarium because I so enjoy watching the sharks swim. For some reason, watching them soothes me.

I didn’t travel too deeply into the heart of the city.  I wanted to see more–see what was being rebuilt, what still needed help.  Perhaps next time. I considered this my gentle re-introduction to the city–and New Orleans is, for all its recent troubles, a beautiful city.

In the past, I’ve enjoyed strolling in Jackson Square and taking Haunted Tours around the city–and I know I’ll do that again.  Perhaps even later this summer–I’m considering attending Heather Graham’s New Orleans Conference.

But it’s getting late now–and I just finished watching my taped episode of House. So that means (anybody who watched the show will know what I’m talking about) that I have a headache from crying.

On a writerly note, I’m working on my first read-through of my recently finished rough draft.  I’ll post tomorrow about my read-through method. Every writer seems to have a different method–different strokes for different folks.


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Weekend Review…

Posted in Romance on May 19th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Wow–my weekend is finally over and I’ve got to say–I feel like I need a day or two of rest. Seriously, this was one of the most tiring weekends I’ve had in months.

On Saturday, my morning started off with an early trip downtown because there was an open call for extras. You see, part of a horror movie is going to be filled down here (the movie is Final Destination 4). In case you’re not a Final Destination buff–these movies are the ones in which a group of folks cheat Death at the beginning of the flick, then Death comes after them in a series of increasingly gruesome ways.

When I read about the call in the paper, I thought: Cool. Horror movie. I’m there. My deep and abiding love of horror wold not allow me to miss this chance. So early on Saturday, I went to the casting call with my friend Ashley and my husband Nick. The newspaper had indicated that the movie folks were particularly interested in “pit crew” types (the part of the movie filmed in my city will be about a big car crash at the race track). Since most pit crew types are men, I knew I was going to be at a disadvantage. Sigh.

But anyway…we went downtown. Stood in the hot sun. Chatted. Watched the other folks. Then it was our time. The lady in charge glanced at Nick. (Okay, I’ll tell you, I think my husband is a pretty good-looking guy. Great Greek looks–and the man photographs extremely well.) Anyway, the chick looked at Nick and immediately said, “I think we can use you as a photographer.” Then Nick gets to go to the “special” line–and now he’s being considered for a photographer role/spot in the movie.

As for me…I got turned to the “We’ll call you if we need you line.” Another sigh. Story of my life.

But my day got better. Much better.

Because after I finally got out of the blistering sun (seriously, it was blistering–I have freakishly red shoulders to prove my point), it was time to get ready for my first in-store book signing. The signing began at 2 p.m. on Saturday, and I had an absolutely wonderful time!! I met new readers, I had friends and family come in to buy my book, and I got the chance to talk to aspiring writers. It was a fabulous experience! The staff at Barnes & Noble were considerate and professional–it was a great experience all the way around for me.

Okay, let me tell you about this picture. First, please ignore the glare on my cover poster. Nick, in his I’m-Selected-For-The-Movie-Excitement forgot to bring a camera to my signing–so we were using his camera phone. Grrr. But luckily, I’ll have more pictures later from folks who did bring their cameras.

The lovely dark-haired woman in the picture? She’s Dr. Laura–the real-life inspiration for Dr. Emily Drake in Hotter After Midnight. My friend Laura has her Ph.D. in psychology and when we used to work together and she was in the process of conducting her experiments–well, she fascinated me. She also very patiently would answer all of my questions about the work she was doing. A wonderful lady and friend. After I learned more about psychology work, I knew that I would one day want to write a heroine who was a psychologist (thanks, Laura!) and eventually, Emily was born.

(More pictures to come later. More non-camera phone pictures.)

After the signing finished, I went with Ashley and Nick (and we picked up my son, too–couldn’t celebrate without him) and we went to eat Japanese. I got a fortune cookie at the end of my meal. (By the way, it was technically a Chinese and Japanese restaurant.) The cookie is around here someplace. Basically, it said that my enthusiasm was infectious. Hmm…never really liked to be called infectious.

By the time I got home, I just wanted to crawl into bed. And I did–but then I had to wake up hellishly early the next day because I’d promised my son a trip to New Orleans ( a long overdue trip). My drama will appear in my next post, Weekend Review–Part Deux!!! I say next post because–this post went longer than I intended and I think I need to break things up!

I will say, though, this was my first trip back to New Orleans since the hurricane–and I love New Orleans. It’s one of the cities that I have returned to over and over again–always with excitement–so I was a bit uncertain about this trip. Some things I saw in New Orleans did make me very sad (like the village of tents underneath the interstate), but the city is rebuilding and I was glad to visit again.

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If you live in or near Gulfport, MS…

Posted in Romance on May 18th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I stopped by the Barnes & Noble in Gulfport, MS, earlier tonight and signed stock of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT (the book is on the New Arrivals table–which was very cool for me).  🙂  I was VERY impressed with this store–they had a terrific selection of romance novels and the two staff members I spoke with could not have been more helpful or professional.  So, if you live in or near Gulfport, MS, and you’d like an autographed copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT, hop on over to the store.

I plan to do a full weekend recap very soon. I had my first official “in-store” signing on Saturday (as opposed to the stock signing adventures I’ve had), and I do plan to post about that–and share pictures. Lots of pictures. But, right now, I’m so tired that my vision is getting blurry, so I may have to come back and post that information tomorrow. But, I will tell you a few of my other weekend highlights (with more details to come later):

1. Casting call for a horror movie.

2. Bears, elephants, and snakes–too many dang snakes!!!  Snakes where there should not have been snakes!

3. Soothing sharks.

4. Fortune cookies.

Hmmm…has my list confused you yet?  If so, check in tomorrow for a full explanation.


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Thursday News

Posted in Romance on May 15th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Is it really Thursday already?  This week is flying by.

Here’s my news for the day:

I received my author copies of WHEN HE WAS BAD and I’ve received my ARCs of EVERLASTING BAD BOYS!  (Yep, this sure does mean that a contest will be coming soon.)

I’m guest blogging today over at Love Is An Exploding Cigar (I just love that name), and…speaking of contests, I’m giving away a prize–so do stop by!

Tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern, I’ll be participating in the Red Sage Chat at Writerspace–and the finalists in the Red Sage writing contest will be announced at the chat.  Should be exciting!

I have a book signing scheduled for this Saturday at Barnes & Noble in Mobile.  My first official signing for HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT.  If you’re in the area, please come in and see me!  I’ll be sure to post photos from the signing.

The weatherman is predicting some severe weather for my area today–so it looks like it’ll be an inside day for me.  Take care!

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