Release Day!!!

Posted in Romance on April 29th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT officially releases today. If you’d like to read my first Kensington Brava single-title release, then hop over to your nearest bookstore.

And if you have a copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT and you’d like to receive an autographed bookplate to put in your book, please send an email to and I’ll be happy to send you one!

To help celebrate my release, some wonderful people on the web have interviewed me–and posted contest giveaways! So if you’d like to possibly win a few autographed books, please check out:

Danette’s Chatting Lounge (A great blog site with some wonderful book information.)

Long and Short of It Reviews (Another site that I love–with tons of book reviews and author facts.)

Jeri Smith-Ready’s blog (Have you read Jeri’s books yet? You really, really should. EYES OF CROW is absolutely brilliant and I know that WICKED GAME will be just as fabulous.)

Thanks for stopping by today!

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Publishing Timeline: Hotter After Midnight

Posted in Romance on April 28th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

So, as I’m counting down the final hours before HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT‘s release (woo-hoo!), I thought I’d take a few moments and go back over the publishing timeline that has gotten me to this particular point:

April 07: I discover that Kensington is interested in my story!!! Yay! Serious excitement ensues when I’m offered a 3-book contract. At this time, the story is still called Touching the Darkness.

About two weeks later in April of 07: I attend my first RT Convention. I get to meet Kate Duffy and the Magnificient M (Megan Records) in person. Have a fabulous time.

May 07: Title options are flying around–the final verdict: HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT

June 12, 2007: A gorgeous surprise is waiting in my email box–the cover image for HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. I celebrate because, honestly, I think you should celebrate every positive moment you have–and seeing that cover with my name (okay, my pseudonym–no one can pronounced my Greek last name right) was a pretty amazing moment.

June 20, 2007: Another fabulous surprise in my email. Seriously–at this point, I can’t wait to check my email each day. What did I have this time? My first cover quote:

“Highly sensual and definitely dangerous.” –Shannon McKenna

I am a HUGE Shannon McKenna fan–I’ve got all her books on my shelf. Books I reread every few months because they are just that good. And guess what? More celebrating ensued. Are you sensing a theme yet?

July 17, 2007: I get my first glimpse at the back cover copy for HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. Oh, wow–it’s becoming real now.

July 23, 2007: Another quote. This time, from Jacquelyn Frank:

“A cross between CSI and Medium, only hotter and with a hero that truly has bite!”

Oh, yeah, I was over the moon.

October 2007: Copy-edit time.

December 2007/January 2008: Page proofs. I get to see the galley and make any last-minute changes.

January 16, 2008: ARCs are here!!!

February 04, 2008: My first review of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. Simply Romance Reviews gave the book an A+ rating.

After this…well, I sent out promo material (I’d been doing PR during this whole fun process), ran contests, and received additional reviews. And I counted down the days.

April 28, 2008: My author copies arrive. Nick opens them first. Fair enough.

Now…just a few hours to go.

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This week…

Posted in Romance on April 28th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Ah, Monday–my least favorite day of the week.  Why is it that Saturday and Sunday always pass too quickly? Sigh.  But anyway…

I’m going to be posting over at the Novelspot this week–discussing various aspects of my writing process. If you get a chance, drop by!

(And I’ll be back here with a longer post, later.)

Right now, I’m a bit brain-boggled by the fact that HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT releases tomorrow.  Jeez–I can’t believe my release date is almost here!  When I’m back with my longer post, I’m going to do my year breakdown (from acceptance to the shelves).  It sure does seem like this time flew by.

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Lauren Dane and a Hotter After Midnight Contest

Posted in Romance on April 26th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I love Lauren Dane.  She’s smart, funny, gorgeous, and one hell of a writer.  (I should have my hands on her latest–and much anticipated by me–book, WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, within a few days.)

Lauren has reviewed HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT on her blog and she is giving away a copy of the book to a commenter. If you’d like that copy–get over there and comment!

And Lauren–thank you.

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Guest Blogging

Posted in Romance on April 25th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I’m off visiting at different spots on the web today.  I’m guest blogging at Simply Romance Reviews about the writing method and it’s also my turn to post over at the 2 B Read blog (where I’m talking about wanting to write and the reasons why).

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

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