
Changing Style?

Posted in Romance on October 16th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

When I talk about my writing, people often ask me about my plotting style. Specifically, folks like to know if I outline my book in advance or if I’m a pantster–developing the plot as I write, kinda by the seat of my pants.

Once upon a time, I was purely a pantster.  For my first two novels and my first four (I think) novellas, I just sat and wrote the story. No pre-planning. I went where the story took me.  Then, things started to change a bit.

I started to write out the first chapters of a story, then I would stop and plot the rest of the manuscript. I generally did this on my full-length stories.

But I’d still pants on my novellas.

I started a new novel a few weeks ago. Started it with the glimmer of an idea and I figured, heck, deadline is a while away–I’ll pants this one and see where the characters take me.

First three chapters–easy breezy.

But then, I wrote a scene. Didn’t like where it took me. Deleted it. (I hate deleting my writing. And I actually don’t delete it completely; I always save it as a “cut” scene–maybe I’ll release ’em on my website one day.)  After the delete, I realized I really, really wanted an outline to look at–I wanted one bad. But I had a trip to Georgia scheduled, for the Moonlight and Magnolias conference, so I knew the plotting would have to wait.

Um, it didn’t wait long. That Friday, I stayed awake and plotted out the first 200 pages of the book.  🙂

Last night, I finished on page 201 of the story.  Now I have two options:  plot or pantster it.  Guess which one I’m leaning toward?

I know some other writers like to drop by and chat…so tell me, ladies, am I the only one with a changing writing style?  Or has this happened to you, too?

I like to think that my writing adapts and changes with each book, but the plotting style, this is a big one for me.  Hmmm…maybe my obsessive nature is just taking over!

And, in other news…stay tuned to this blog!  I’m going to be giving away copies of MIDNIGHT SINS soon–and I’ll be launching a very big contest.  The contest should go live on November 1st, so have your Halloween fun, and then gear up for a little bit of sin.

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Halloween Fun

Posted in Romance on October 14th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

A few things to get you in the Halloween mood:

First up, spell book how-to

And do you want to be the first one on your block with a self-stirring cauldron?

Thirsty?  You should try a Pina Ghoulada.

Last, but not least…finger food.   Gross, yes, but good.

Got any Halloween tips for me?

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Booking It–Keeper Shelf

Posted in Romance on October 13th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I love to re-read books.  Sometimes, I’ll be walking around the house, or doing laundry, or watching TV, and a scene from a book will flash through my mind.  When that flash happens, I generally can’t rest until I re-read the book.  The scene calls me, and I follow it.

This weekend, the book that called to me was SUMMER IN ECLIPSE BAY by Jayne Ann Krentz.  This was the third installment in the Eclipse trilogy–and my favorite of the three books. Straight contemporary (yep, I read those, too), and with a hero that I loved, the book was destined for my keeper shelf.

One of the things that I lived best about this book was the interaction between the hero and heroine–the chemistry just jumped off the pages.  They were fun and they had a real spark that I enjoyed.

Now, of course, I’m going to have to go back and re-read the first two installments in the trilogy. Oh, the sacrifices I must make.  🙂

Anyone else have any old keeper recommendations? Any that you love to re-read? And what makes these books so great?

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Wild On Books

Posted in Romance on October 12th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Jennifer of Wild On Books recently reviewed MIDNIGHT SINS (thank you, Jennifer!).  Here are a few of her comments from the review:

MIDNIGHT SINS has a great mix of good old-fashioned suspense combined with the paranormal elements that are popular with so many of us romance fans.  The whodunit plot kept me guessing until the very end of the story, with some very cool plot twists.”

“In a genre crowded with paranormal romances, MIDNIGHT SINS is a definite stand-out story.  Bravo to Cynthia Eden for a book that thrills lovers of erotic romance, paranormal, and suspense equally!”

If you’d like to read the full review, it’s available here.  🙂

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Debra Dixon

Posted in Romance on October 11th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Debra Dixon is guest blogging over at The Bradford Bunch–she’s talking about YA stories and her latest release, WITCH HIGH.  One commenter will win a copy of the book (lucky commenter!).  If you get a chance, stop by the Bunch and comment for your chance to win.  Have a great Saturday.

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