New Novella Sale Back to Blog

Kensington Brava has made an offer on my paranormal romance novella, In the Dark. Yay! This story should be released next Halloween (ah, what a great time of the year) in a Halloween Bad Boys anthology.

I’ve had readers email me about vampire extraordinaire Liam Sullivan, one of the secondary characters in Wicked Ways (from the WHEN HE WAS BAD anthology), and, hey–good news! He’s the hero of In the Dark. 🙂 Want a tease of his story? Here you go–this is the very beginning of the novella:

* * *

Her dead lover stood on the other side of the bar, rubbing his hand against the back of some long-legged redhead and looking very much alive.

Sadie James drew in a deep breath. Caught the scent of smoke. Expensive perfume. Sweat.

I went to that jerk’s funeral. Cried over his grave.

A grave he didn’t seem to be occupying.

She’d even taken flowers to the graveside.

The redhead laughed. Tossed back her head. The man turned, braced his hand against the wall behind her head and leaned in even closer to her.

Rage had Sadie’s back teeth grinding together.

She stalked across the bar, elbowing dancing men and women out of her way. Her fingers curled, and a hard fury tightened her body.

Two years. For two damn years she’d thought he was dead. While he was out there screwing redheads. Redheads who wore really trashy pink dresses.

He was bent over the woman now. His mouth poised over her throat.

Sadie was going to rip the bastard apart.

The redhead laughed. A high, tipsy giggle.

Sadie growled.

And even though she was still at least ten feet away, and the music blaring from the band jumping on stage was ear-splitting loud, Liam Sullivan stiffened. His dark head snapped up. He spun around, scanning the crowd.

His eyes, too damn blue and bright for a dead man, locked on her. She saw his stare widen and his lips began to curve into a smile—

A smile she’d knock off his still too-handsome face. “Liam.”

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13 responses to “New Novella Sale”

  1. Brandy says:

    Ooh, now that’s just mean! We have to wait until NEXT YEAR? *pout*

  2. Zoe Winters says:

    awesome Cindy, congrats! I’m thinking about releasing my novel for Halloween next year. 🙂

  3. Edie says:

    I love it! Wow, that’s great writing! I don’t want to wait until next year either.

  4. LindaC says:

    More, more, more!! I love it, Cynthia. Can’t wait. There’s nothing like wishing your life away to get to a book, is there?


  5. Cynthia Eden says:

    But time will pass so quickly, Brandy! 🙂

    Thank you, Zoe! And a Halloween release for your novel sure sounds like a great idea.

    Hi, Edie! Thank you!!

    LOL, thanks, Linda!

  6. Greta says:

    Contgrats’s Cynthia! How exciting – Can’t wait to read it next year!

  7. Congratulations! That’s awesome. 😀

  8. Pamk says:

    big congrats and good wishes to you and us for many many more stories from you

  9. Jane says:

    Congrats on the sale, Cynthia.

  10. Rhonda says:

    Congrats Cindy! So excited for you – it sounds great love the opening!

  11. Cynthia Eden says:

    Thank you, Greta!!

    Hey, Yolanda! Thanks! 🙂

    Pam, you are so nice–thank you.

    Thank you, Jane!

    Thanks, Rhonda! I’m glad you like my opening. This was one of those stories in which the opening came to me perfectly–and I just went from there.

  12. […] mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} –> Cynthia Eden’s IN THE DARK, a paranormal romance novella for an upcoming Bad Boys anthology, to Megan Records at Kensington […]

  13. Denise says:

    I can’t wait til holloween! I always look forward to all your books and anthologies.
    Read On!