A story is never wasted… Back to Blog

I firmly believe this.

I’ve written a lot of books over the years. Some that never sold to a publishing houses, some that I never sent to publishing houses, and, well, yeah, some that have sold, too.  🙂  I like to think that, regardless of the final outcome with those manuscripts, I learned something with every story that I wrote. I learned about character development. Conflict. Pacing.  Each story taught me something.

I know some folks who’ve said they want to try their hand at writing, but they don’t want to go to the “trouble” of writing a book that won’t sell.  Well, here’s something else I’ve learned–there are no guarantees in the publishing business.  You could write a fabulous book…and it may, indeed, not sell.

But is that book a wasted effort?  No, I don’t think it is.  If you enjoy the writing process, if you’re writing and creating because that is what you love to do–then the process itself can be a reward.  And then there’s the whole business I mentioned previously about learning something with each book…

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2 responses to “A story is never wasted…”

  1. Edie says:

    I learn something with each book too. With my last book it was making sure each page contains something special. With the two books before that, it was raising the stakes and the tension. With this book I don’t know what’s going to happen. That’s the fun of it. 😀

  2. Michelle says:

    Cynthia, I really believe this, too. I was chatting to some friends this week, and they wanted to know what it felt like to have written books that may never sell. And I said I would never change that, because I’ve become a better writer with each one.