ETERNAL FLAME, Open Road, and Me Back to Blog

Hi, everyone! Today I wanted to share something fun and new with you. The wonderful folks at Kensington and the equally amazing people at Open Road Media have created this video. Hope you enjoy it! (It will give you a glimpse into my life and into my writing.) Thanks!

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12 responses to “ETERNAL FLAME, Open Road, and Me”

  1. Viki says:

    Love your video. What a pretty place to be. Can’t wait for Eternal Flame.

  2. Cathy R. says:

    What a beautiful locale to live near. Loved the video. They did a great job.

  3. Edie Ramer says:

    That’s fabulous! Very interesting. Beautiful beach. And you looked great! Kensington must love you to do this!

  4. Willa says:

    Heeeeeeeee – that was great! 😀

    So how long did it take to film those 2 minutes? And I loved your painting – do you display them at home?

  5. Michele says:

    Great video!!!

  6. Lisa says:

    Very cool video. Loved the painting! Looks like a blast.

  7. Awesome video! Love it. 🙂